Wednesday, October 26, 2016

5th Grade - Radial Balance

5th grade is learning about the Principle of Design, BALANCE.

Students took notes of the three types of balance we will study.

Then they drew a quick sketch of a simple design that shows Radial Balance.

This class will translate their designs to a 3-D collage using construction paper.

Ms. Lee's class are using different materials to also create a design with Radial Balance, but they are using foam shapes on cardboard to create copies of the design using the proccess of Printmaking

We are using fellow art teacher Cassie Stephen's video to illustrate the steps.

She also shows us a clip in that video about how United States currency is printed! 

Kuddos to Brady and Markaz for working hard on their project, finishing on time and being able to each pull two prints from their design.

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