Friday, November 18, 2016

TAB or Choice Based Art at Sallye B.

This year I'm excited to move towards TAB in our art classroom. 

TAB stands for Teaching for Artistic Behavior and in an art classroom it will mean that students are treated as artists and they will pursue their own artistic interests.

"The real product of art education is not the works of art, but the child." 

A group of 4th graders chose to paint.

This quote by Lois Hetland summarizes a strong believe I have about art education and that's the reason I'll be - albeit slowly - changing my teaching philosophy to TAB. 

Ms. Hetland continues to say: " I think we have to be careful of that trap because you can turn your class into a production factory and then your kids don't develop artistic minds, even though they may be making beautiful work that is hanging in the hall. What I'm really urging here is more autonomy on the part of the student artist–they need to be making the decisions if they're going to make a better mind."
With that in mind, we are transitioning to TAB here at Sallye B. art. There still be days where we will work on building skills and techniques or creating collaborative projects as a class. But, hopefully soon, all students will be working on their own artistic endeavors. Digging deep into their artistic intent and expression to develop "better minds."

Another group chose collage

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

5th Grade - Radial Balance

5th grade is learning about the Principle of Design, BALANCE.

Students took notes of the three types of balance we will study.

Then they drew a quick sketch of a simple design that shows Radial Balance.

This class will translate their designs to a 3-D collage using construction paper.

Ms. Lee's class are using different materials to also create a design with Radial Balance, but they are using foam shapes on cardboard to create copies of the design using the proccess of Printmaking

We are using fellow art teacher Cassie Stephen's video to illustrate the steps.

She also shows us a clip in that video about how United States currency is printed! 

Kuddos to Brady and Markaz for working hard on their project, finishing on time and being able to each pull two prints from their design.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mr. Seahorse by Eric Carle

Students with special needs from Kindergarten to 3rd grade, created artwork inspired by the book Mr. Seahorse by Eric Carle.

We first read the book.

Then painted a seahorse using watercolors and a background with tempera.

Finally, they glued on seaweed and corals to finish their masterpiece.

Friday, August 12, 2016


I’m Mrs. Cohen the art teacher at Sallye B. Mathis. I thank you for taking the time to read over this newsletter to help you become familiar with our Art program here at Sallye B.

Art classes are 45 minutes sessions once a week.

Throughout the year our art smart students will:
- Use critical-thinking, problem solving and decision making to create
projects with artistic intent.
- Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
-Interpret intent and meaning in other artist’s work.
-Synthesize and and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
-Develop and refine artistic work for presentation.

Art grades are based on:

Every project (except technique exercises) will be assigned a letter grade (A, B, C, etc.). Rubrics will be used for student’s self-assessment as well as instructor assessment. Grading scale will follow Duval County Public Schools’ district grading policy.

Proper behavior goes hand in hand with being successful in class. Thus, to promote a good class environment, CONDUCT weighs 20% of final grade.

All projects are done in class. If you’re student was absent I’ll give them an opportunity to catch up or I’ll modify the project to account for their absence. I do not give students homework on a regular basis. Students, however, may bring me projects they’ve done at home for extra credit if such projects display the understanding and use of the concepts discussed in class.

In addition to the above rules, RESPECT toward the teacher and other students is expected at all times!

I use Class Dojo ( as a classroom management tool. Parents can connect via their website and follow their students progress. If you’d like access code to Class Dojo, please email me at: and include your child’s name and grade.

My preferable form of communication is email ( but if you’d like to call me, the school’s phone number is (904) 924-3086 x. 224 or you may leave a message at the front office.

I look forward to maintaining a supportive environment for learning and I encourage collaborative and integrated learning through the arts.
If you have a volunteer application on file, I’d love to see you in the Art Room!