Friday, November 18, 2016

TAB or Choice Based Art at Sallye B.

This year I'm excited to move towards TAB in our art classroom. 

TAB stands for Teaching for Artistic Behavior and in an art classroom it will mean that students are treated as artists and they will pursue their own artistic interests.

"The real product of art education is not the works of art, but the child." 

A group of 4th graders chose to paint.

This quote by Lois Hetland summarizes a strong believe I have about art education and that's the reason I'll be - albeit slowly - changing my teaching philosophy to TAB. 

Ms. Hetland continues to say: " I think we have to be careful of that trap because you can turn your class into a production factory and then your kids don't develop artistic minds, even though they may be making beautiful work that is hanging in the hall. What I'm really urging here is more autonomy on the part of the student artist–they need to be making the decisions if they're going to make a better mind."
With that in mind, we are transitioning to TAB here at Sallye B. art. There still be days where we will work on building skills and techniques or creating collaborative projects as a class. But, hopefully soon, all students will be working on their own artistic endeavors. Digging deep into their artistic intent and expression to develop "better minds."

Another group chose collage